A to Z matchups

Aatrox - not the hardest, just don't ever fight him. When he whiffs the first q, it's good to go in for poke. If you have a jungler that can deal a crap load of damage and cc ( please give me Elise every game) the ganking this dude isn't impossible.

Ahri - not a top laner, pretty easy it's like playing two mages mid lane. Dodge her poke and fight on her CD's.

Akali - She pokes pretty hard and deals alot of damage after a revolver. Try to set the lane up close to your tower and poke with q. Your q outranges her but doesn't deal the most damage with her sustain. Basically do your best to survive.

Alistar - You're gonna have a different laner, but be very wary of Alistar roams topside. Map Knowledge is key with Soraka.

Amumu - not common, but ward and watch for ganks

Anivia - this is great, she doesn't fight and neither do you. Have fun farming, Silence her ulti and tilt her.

Annie - She hits hard, just rush a bit of MR instead of zhonyas. Or build zhonyas if you're quick enough to dodge the ult. Poke and sustain, you slightly outrange her q.

Ashe - shut up

Aurelion Sol - stahp

Azir - he always outdamages you, just survive and cal ganks, use your silence well

Bard - might be an atk spd bard, call for ganks and prioritize silencing him near walls

Blitzcrank - some gimmick shit. Don't let him have fun and poke with q. Stay in the minion wave. Taking exhaust is good against Blitz.

Brand -  His poke hurts, prioritize not getting hit by more than 2 abilities. And you're gucci

Braum - calm down

Caitlyn - If they somehow counterpick with Cait, you're done just don't ever walk up for cs and survive. Ganks on an AD early are good.

Camille - I've played against some good Camilles before. If they are near a wall, have your finger dreaming about destroying your E key and be prepared. If she jumps on you don't panic, try to kite her. If she took meteor do your best to walk in weird directions to juke her w. Best to do DBlade against her.

Cassiopeia - She is a lil weak early so do your best to poke and auto her down. Build normally and treat her like any other top laner.

Cho Gath - Pretty easy, dodging his q is your number 1 priority. Poke him down early before he builds resistances up the ass.

Corki - I really don't want to talk about crap you'll never ever see top

Darius - This is a really fricking hard matchup. Darius will have ghost and build a crap ton of movement speed. He will run you down if you get greedy for poke or CS. Be very wary of your spacing, stay near your tower and survive.

Diana - I don't have much experience playing against Dianas, mostly dodge her Q and poke her down. Be careful of her lvl6 powerspike, it's like old Akali.

Dr. Mundo - You probably won't kill him, do your best to pressure him early laning phase and dodge Q's.

Draven - Nah fam, don't ever fight this homie. Shoot Q where his axe will land

Ekko - Pressure early and don't ever get stunned. Getting stunned by a lane Ekko is embarrassing. You beat his ass with Q and E early game. Also just auto him down, if he E's onto you, throw a Q onto yourself.

Elise - I'm not gonna mention top lane, but as a jungler, really learn how to ward early game at possible gank paths. Help you jungler with early wards and be very wary of ganks. A top laner with CC and an Elise catching you is pretty death.

Evelynn - Watch for ganks, don't die and ward early

Ezreal - okay you know what I'm tired of writing for champs I never ever see toplane.

Fiora - Pretty hard, she kills you very fast and has a lot of chase, punish her qith Q when she cs's and throw down a silence when you get your jungler to help you.

Fizz - Annoying but you can poke him hard early. Do not fight him when he gets items, get a zhonyas STAT.

Gangplank - Dodge his barrels. Kill his barrels. Everything else doesn't matter, he will beat you eventually. Don't Die.

Garen - You can't let him get his passive so hit a q and auto as much as you can when it's safe. He can cleanse your Q slow so don't get cocky that you can escape him.

Gnar - Dodge his skillshots. Just CS and survive.

Gragas- Depending on if he's tank or AP, it's generally just a good idea to poke him down before he has enough abilities to fight back. Do your best to dodge his Q and throw a silence of yourself if he tries to bodyslam onto you.

Hecarim - Poke him down early and make him spend mana on W to regen in the minion wave. Punish him when he is low on mana by poking. After he gets phage and sheen play very passively.

Heimerdinger- Survive, don't ever fall for Heimerdinger when he baits you. He wants you to walk up to do something, so the best play is to not react to him. Wait for the jungler to help you and silence and slow his ass.

Illaoi - Really hard for you to do anything. The only thing you need to be active about is moving and not getting hit by her E. Do not enable her Kleptomancy.

Irelia - Poke her level 1 and survive. When she screws up an e you can fight her.

Jarvan - Be very wary of his flag and drag. Poke when you know it is safe, mostly when he blows these abilities. He can set up a jungler really well so be careful of ganks.

Jax - Poke him down with q and silence yourself when he jumps onto you. Soraka is a decent matchup into Jax, farm and live.

Jayce - Don't do anything until he switches to melee form and uses his abilities.

Karma - My friend plays alot of tank Karma top and from my experience with that, I think not interacting at all with Karma is the best way to go about this.

Kayle - She scales way too hard, do your best to ask your jungler to come top all the time. You can set up a gank with q and e.

Kennen - Don't get hit by his Q, and poke him when he uses abilities to CS, like his e. Basic laning, poke when he cs's and survive.

Kled - He can run  you down super easily so don't try to fight Kled too often. CS and survive

Lissandra - Be careful of jungle ganks, all she will do to you is set up a gank with her cc. Stay near tower and ward to not die. Advance and push the wave with q when you know where the jungler is.

Malphite - You can out poke and sustain him, when he goes in for a q, you q back. Whittle him down with autos and q's. Play super safe level 6.

Maokai - He will always out sustain you. Neither of you really win the lane hard. Poke him with autos and don't use your abilities too often, his passive works too well against Soraka.

Mordekaiser - This lane is near impossible. The dude hurts way too much and sustains too much. His q is about the same range as yours. Call for a gank pre-level 6 and silence to screw him up. At level 6 there is no hope of winning. Don't ever get caught in his ult and do your best to survive.

Nasus - For the love of god convince your jungler that shutting down Nasus is priority. He's the same as Morde when getting ganked, a silence will make him an actual dog champ. Get your team to rush him down. Auto him in lane and poke with q's. Do not let him get stacks for free.

Olaf - Good luck doing anything to Olaf. I suggest sitting and farming, help your team with wards and ults. Get a stopwatch immediately for when he inevitably dives your ass.

Ornn - Tank matchups are generally easy on Soraka. Hit him with autos and Q to slow him to auto him more. When he ults try to land the silence on him so he can't ram the ult into you.

Pantheon - You will die. Do not, for any reason, do anything, no matter what, to Pantheon. The best way to gain advantage over Pantheon is to not die. You will win eventually. Rush stopwatch and zhonyas for when he and the jungler dive you.

Poppy - Very easy. Don't stand near walls and silence her when you get a gank from your team. Auto her down and eventually you will out pressure her. 

Quinn - She's hard for anyone to play against toplane, and that includes Soraka. I recommend not trying to fight and poke her down with Q. She doesn't have much sustain and is squishy, so landing Q is a big hurt for Quinn. Spam the missing ping whenever she is missing.

Renekton - This is pretty hard, even from range Soraka is not safe thanks to Renekton's double dashes. Play very safe and cs as best you can under tower. It isn't a priority to poke him as he can heal with Q. Stopwatch and zhonyas are great.

Rengar - Very hard to stay away from Rengar, he can go into a brush and basically destroy you. Don't do anything but poke with Q when he cs's and you cs as well. When he is really low you can abuse him and run him down.

Riven - Poke her when her E is on cooldown, and the slow from Q is enough to get away from her 3 Q's. When she jumps on you with a flash engage or whatever, just throw a silence on yourself and you will be fine.

Rumble - Very easy matchup. Poke him down and silence him whenever he tries to get in your business. Don't build zhonyas unless he and his jungler are diving you 24/7.

Ryze - Same as Rumble. Poke him down but stay away from your minion wave. He will have to decide between hitting you with abilities or clearing the wave. While he makes mental calculations you can poke him and punish him for being a Ryze toplane.

Shen - Simple tank matchup. Q and auto him, try not to get hit by his taunt. If you suspect a taunt is coming, throw a silence and boom, he can't taunt. When he tries to ult and you know where he is, try to silence him. I've blown flash to silence him many times before and I always consider it worth.

 Shyvana - She can't do anything to you when you hit her with Q. Hit her with Q and auto her down. When she turns on her W just run and Q her.  Beware of her level 6, you pretty much just need to dodge her initial part of the ultimate and you'll be fine.

Singed - I play a crap ton of Singed as well and Singed will do either of these 2 things. Proxy, because you can't do crap against his proxy. Or run Ignite and Ghost and rush you level 1. I suggest to do your best hitting him with Q to slow him and to cs as well as you can.

Sion - Another easy tank matchup. Silence him when he charges his Q. Q him down and auto early. When he builds resistances, just stay calm and farm, there is no need anymore to fight or poke him. But his Q provides a lot of waveclear, so just silence him. It tilts the Sion player pretty hard.

Swain - He sustains if he hits you. Keep a safe distance and Q him. When you hit Q, you can auto attack him to great success. Dodge his E and you'll be fine.

Sylas - I haven't seen Sylas top in a while, but silence him whenever he tries to engage with his E. Otherwise, poke and auto.

Teemo - Q him. He's squishy so this is actually gonna hurt alot for him. Get a sweeper when he is close to 6 or is 6.

Trundle - He can chase you very easily and his pillar is no joke. I believe that CS'ing is the most important thing and poking is not necessary at all. He dies pretty easily to jungle ganks, he needs to stand still and auto with abilities, so just silence him and let your jungler go hard.

Tryndamere - He'll think you're not even a person and will start E. Don't fight him but Q him and run around. Walking up to poke him is always dangerous, so play safe and stay close to tower. Call for the jungler to come and silence his ass. How's he gonna E away if he's not allowed to?

Urgot - He's pretty tanky and his Q is more annoying than you would think. Poke him from a safe range and throw in an auto attack or two. He is pretty susceptible to jungle pressure.

Viktor - Don't let him get klepto on you ever and you already win. Poke and call for jungler.

Vladimir - I don't think klepto vlad will play any different than a regular Vladimir. Poke him and wait for your jungler. He will die to the jungler or blow sums if you silence him.

Wukong - I think Wukong is a pretty good joke champion. If you ever see him E onto you, throw an E onto yourself and Q the Wukong. He can't respond back and you can auto him. Wukong's worst matchup is anyone who can build Ninja Tabi, which includes almost every champion in the game. He can E and Ult immediately but don't panic, he does no damage.

Yasuo - This is pretty hard tbh. He can Windwall you Q or he could dodge it. Stay away from your minion wave to not allow for him to enage onto you, and poke him whenever he goes for cs. When he does ult you, throw a silence onto yourself so that when his Ult animation is done, he can't move.

Yorick - I think he's the same as Nasus. A well timed silence and a gank can destroy him very easily. Everyone forgets his Q has built in healing so don't be suprised when you fight him when he's low on health and stomps you.  Poke him and dodge his E. killing his ghouls whenever they're summoned is the way to go most of the time.


  1. Edit: Illaoi no longer has Klepto, just don't get fucked up by her E


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