
Soraka Top ITEMS

I'll be honest with you. Soraka top is really not good. I don't even play it that often because after a week straight of Soraka in solo queue I felt so burnt out. Playing Soraka top really brings out the worst in people. It's like people are so fixed in their mindset of where champions can go that they won't accept anything remotely different and will flame you till the ends of the Earth and back. But guys who have been playing as long as I have are pretty cool about it. So first off, Items. I've developed a comprehensive Soraka item guide here. The item paths are fixed. I'd reccomend to not deviate away from the build depending of what you're playing against. When you have enough gold for Armseeker's guard, I usually like to back when the wave is pushed towards me. I don't really care about how many minions I lose. Same goes for Zhonya's. Nothing to really explain in depth for the items. It's typical support items and ...

A to Z matchups

Aatrox - not the hardest, just don't ever fight him. When he whiffs the first q, it's good to go in for poke. If you have a jungler that can deal a crap load of damage and cc ( please give me Elise every game) the ganking this dude isn't impossible. Ahri - not a top laner, pretty easy it's like playing two mages mid lane. Dodge her poke and fight on her CD's. Akali - She pokes pretty hard and deals alot of damage after a revolver. Try to set the lane up close to your tower and poke with q. Your q outranges her but doesn't deal the most damage with her sustain. Basically do your best to survive. Alistar - You're gonna have a different laner, but be very wary of Alistar roams topside. Map Knowledge is key with Soraka. Amumu - not common, but ward and watch for ganks Anivia - this is great, she doesn't fight and neither do you. Have fun farming, Silence her ulti and tilt her. Annie - She hits hard, just rush a bit of MR instead of zhonyas. Or bu...

Rune Setups

This is the rune setup that you will almost always run. The last two mini runes are matchup dependent.  I do not like running inspiration with Soraka top because though the debt and cosmic insight runes are very nice for her, they don't really help you get through laning phase. Taste of blood works wonders for sustain. Ultimate Hunter because of the ult CD. You pretymuch use your ultimate as much as possible to get assists. Aery is good for consistent lane poke and ally shielding.  Manaflow because it's good for sustain, you run out of mana fast. Transcendence because you build a lot of CDR, more AP for heals. Scorch to poke in lane. The damage fall off on scorch is negligible for Soraka.  If the lane gets really tough, like vs poke heavy champs such as Kennen or Quinn you can run this page instead. Bone Plating to protect yourself from damage and revitalize to heal teammates.


Yo I'm a P3 Top lane main and I love playing Soraka top. I think she is one of the most intensive top laner to play, mentally and mechanically, emphasis on mental. Most people will see this as troll, but it is so not troll and when played correctly, Soraka top can excel and carry games. You have to be a very vocal person in chat and explain your strategy sometimes, and that's okay.  here's my If you wanna play with me or just talk shit about me feel free to hit up my summoner! Favourite Soraka Skin:Reaper Soraka; it looks pretty cool and I like the q and e sounds.